Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
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RGBExchange and all Conversion Modules, Programs and
documentation Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 by Troy Barlow.
All Rights Reserved.
by Troy Barlow
* A $20 shareware contribution is requested for using the
* The author retains the sole right to sell the program.
* The author grants users the right to copy and distribute
the program within the following constraints:
- All program files remain unaltered and are distributed
in the original zoo archive.
- Only the original version of the program with the
SHAREWARE message and Author Address is distributed.
- No attempt is made to sell the program, or to make
money from it or any modified version of it.
- The program is not bundled with any other hardware or
software transactions without the author's written
- Recognized users' groups may charge a maximum $5
duplication or distribution fee.
* Continued use of the program (more than 2 weeks) by any
individual, corporation or institution without a single
user license is prohibited.
* Single user licenses are obtained by sending in the $20
shareware contribution to:
Troy Barlow
P.O. BOX 174
South Amboy, N.J.
The author disclaims all warranties expressed or implied as
to the quality or performance of this program. The author will
not be held liable for any lost profits, lost savings or any
other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages
resulting from the use of this program. Your use of this
program constitutes your agreement to this disclaimer and your
release of the author from any form of liability or
RGBExchange and all RGBExchange Conversion Modules are
trademarks of Troy Barlow. Sculpt Animate 3D and 4D are
trademarks of the Byte by Byte Corporation. Targa 16, 24 and 32
are trademarks of Truevision, Inc. Turbo Silver is a trademark
of Impulse, Inc. DigiView 2.0 and 3.0 are trademarks of NewTek,
Inc. FrameGrabber is a trademark of Progressive Peripherals and
Software. AmigaDOS, Amiga Kickstart, and Workbench are
trademarks of Commodore Amiga, Inc.
Welcome to RGBExchange, the Full Color Image conversion
program for the Amiga. RGBExchange offers you the ability to
convert RGB images between popular Amiga and IBM image formats.
Some of its advantages are:
- Easy to use interface
- Fast conversion times
- Scale size of image if needed
- Support of 68020/030 included
- Change the amount of colors in the image
Conversions currently supported:
- DigiView 2.0/3.0 Full Color 21 bitplane images
- Turbo Silver 2.0/3.0 Full Color 12 bitplane images
- Turbo Silver 2.0/3.0 Full Color 24 bitplane images
- Targa Truevision full color ICB 16 bitplane image
- Targa Truevision full color 16 bitplane image
- Targa Truevision full color 24 bitplane image
- Progressive Peripherals Frame Grabber full color 24 bitplane
- Sculpt Animate 3D/4D full color 24 bitplane image
Converters coming soon (Depending on the success of this
version!) :
- Targa Truevision/Vista full color 32 bitplane image
- IFF ( Including IBM Deluxe Paint II 256 color IFF )
- ColorEyes
- Image processing module
and more!
Hardware Requirements:
Amiga 500, 1000 or 2000
512k memory minimum ( 1 meg or more recommended )
1 floppy drive minimum ( Hard Drive recommended )
Amiga 500, 1000 or 2000
68000, 68020 or 68030 CPU
512k memory minimum ( 1 meg or more recommended )
1 floppy drive minimum ( Hard Drive recommended )
Some conversions require a large amount of memory and can't be
done on a 512k machine. To calculate approximately how much ram
you will need, use this formula:
Example: FROM 512 * 400 / 24 bits TO 320 * 200/24 bits will
require 614,400 bytes of ram plus program overhead.
Getting Started
Start up your Amiga with Kickstart and or Workbench 1.2 or
higher. If you have problems please refer to your Amiga Users
Place your RGBExchange disk into any drive and when the
RGBExchange disk icon appears, open it and you will see two
draws appear. If you have a 68020 or a 68030 board installed
open the RGBExchangeF draw, otherwise open the RGBExchange draw.
RGBExchangeF is functionally the same as RGBExchange, only
RGBExchange is for a 68000 ( stock ) Amiga. RGBExchangeF is ONLY
for 68020/68030 equipped Amigas. Therefore when this document
refers to RGBExchange, it also applies to RGBExchangeF. The same
applies with the conversion modules themselves, if they have a
'F' at the end of the name they are 020/030 versions.
Once the draw is opened you will see the RGBExchange program
icon and icons for the actual conversion modules. Double click
the RGBExchange icon to start RGBExchange. Once its running, you
will see a window appear at the bottom of your Workbench screen.
This window is the main control panel for RGBExchange. On it you
will find 2 sets of gadgets, one for the source image and one
for the destination image. In most cases you will be dealing
only with these gadgets to perform the image conversions. These
gadgets can be changed by simply clicking on them. Note that all
gadgets on the left side of the window are the SOURCE gadgets.
All gadgets on the right side of the window are DESTINATION
gadgets. They are divided by the RGBExchange name banner in the
center on the window. Here is a description of each gadget and
its use starting with the SOURCE ( left ) side:
- FROM Clicking to the right of this will cycle through the
module names that are currently running. The name that
is left in this gadget will be used as the source image
format ( The image that will be loaded ).
- TYPE ( Under the FROM gadget ) Clicking this gadget will
cycle through the types of images that the module name
in FROM supports. PLEASE SEE NOTE BELOW for more
information on this and other source gadgets.
- PLANES Clicking this gadget will cycle through the amount of
planes supported by the current TYPE. And is used to set
amount of SOURCE bitplanes for this conversion.
- COMPRESS Clicking this will toggle compression ON/OFF for the
SOURCE image if the current type supports variable
- WIDTH Clicking this will cycle through the image widths
available with the current SOURCE type.
- HEIGHT Clicking this will cycle through the image heights
available with the current SOURCE type.
NOTE!: Most of the format's have information in the file that
WIDTH and HEIGHT of the source image as soon as the
conversion is started. If this is the case, SOURCE
gadgets will automatically be updated during the
conversion and do not need to be set by you. Currently,
the only format that requires you to set the SOURCE
gadgets is Sculpt/Animate 3D/4D.
Also, although RGBExchange allows you to cycle WIDTH
and HEIGHT separatly, some formats don't support all
possibilities ( Example: 704 * 200 ). So please refer
to the list of formats at the end of this document for
more information.
The DESTINATION ( left ) side:
NOTE!: Unlike the SOURCE side, ALL these gadgets need to be
set for a successful conversion.
- TO Clicking to the right of this will also cycle through
the module names that are currently running. But the
name that is left in this gadget will be used as the
destination format ( The image that we will convert and
save as ).
- TYPE ( Under the TO gadget ) Clicking this gadget will
cycle through the types of images that the module name
in TO supports.
- PLANES Clicking this gadget will cycle through the amount of
planes supported by the current TYPE. And is used to set
amount of DESTINATION bitplanes for this conversion.
- COMPRESS Clicking this will toggle compression ON/OFF for the
DESTINATION image if the current type supports variable
- WIDTH Clicking this will cycle through the image widths
available with the current DESTINATION type.
- HEIGHT Clicking this will cycle through the image heights
available with the current DESTINATION type.
RGBExchange also has the following MENU selections.
The PROJECT menu:
- ABORT This will abort the current conversion. Note that this
may not happen immediately.
- CONVERT This will start the conversion process by asking you
for the SOURCE/DESTINATION filenames. It will then tell
the modules that are involved in the conversion to get
- QUIT This will terminate RGBExchange and all the modules
that are running. Note that this has no effect during a
The SPECIAL menu:
- CLIPIT This tells the modules not to resize the image during
the conversion. Instead, you want to CLIP a region the
size of SOURCE WIDTH * HEIGHT from the top left side of
the image. If the image you are converting to is larger
then the source image, this is impossible, and the
program will resize anyway.
- RESIZE ( Default ) This tells the modules that you want
to resize the image using a averaging algorithm if the
image needs to be resized.
Now you should go back into the draw on the Workbench screen
where you found the RGBExchange and Conversion Module icons.
After you decide what modules you will need for the desired
conversion, you need to run them also. You do this by double
clicking on them just as you did with RGBExchange. Note that the
conversion don't have to be from one format to another. You can
convert a image back to the same format it started out as. This
can be done to reduce the colors or the size of the image etc.
If this is the case, you only need to run the needed Conversion
Module once. If you try to run any module that's already
running, you will be notified in the RGBExchange status window.
Also, Conversion Modules are not stand alone programs and can't
run without RGBExchange.
Starting the conversion
After you have started the Module(s) needed, you must now set
up the gadgets ( following the guidelines above ) in the
RGBExchange main panel. Be sure to set all the DESTINATION
gadgets to the settings you wish to convert to, and set up the
FROM gadget on the SOURCE side along with any other SOURCE
gadgets you may need. Remember, some formats don't require you
to set up the SOURCE gadgets except the FROM gadget. Refer to
the above explanation and the end of this document for more
information on the currently available formats.
Be sure to set the resize option ( under the SPECIAL MENU )
that you want to use if needed. Now select CONVERT from the
project menu. A window will appear asking you to enter the
filename(s) for the SOURCE image. Some formats, like
Sculpt/Animate, require 3 filenames. After you are finished with
the source image name(s), you will be asked to enter destination
filenames ( note that you can cancel at any time by clicking on
the CANCEL gadget in the requester ). As soon as you are done
with the destination filename(s), the conversion will start. You
can watch the status window for reports on the progress of the
conversion, and you will be notified here when the conversion is
complete ( finished saving ).
You may abort at any time by selecting abort in the project
menu. Note that some conversions can take a while! It all
depends on if the module needs to resize or convert bitplanes
during a conversion. In testing, the 68000 version will average
2.5 minutes for a conversion, while the 020/030 version will do
it in 1 or fewer minutes. I can not give exact times because it
depends on the conversion settings and/or the formats you
When the conversion is complete, you can either go on and
convert other pictures, or terminate RGBExchange. To terminate
RGBExchange you can select QUIT from the project menu, or click
on the RGBExchange window's close gadget. To terminate modules,
you may also click their close gadget's if they are not in a
conversion ( when you quit from RGBExchange, all modules are
automatically shut down for you ).
REMEMBER: Future versions of this program depend on how many
people register this version. SHAREWARE is NOT FREE software!
Registered users will receive a registered copy of this
program by mail if you don't forget to include your name and
address when you send in the $20. You will also be notified
by mail of any future versions of RGBExchange.
Conversion Module Specifications
Turbo Silver Conversion Module.
Types supported:
RGBN = 12 bits per pixel ( 4096 possible colors )
RGB8 = 24 bits per pixel ( 16,777,216 possible colors )
Compressed = YES
320 200
352 220
640 400
704 440
Targa Conversion Module.
Types supported:
ICB = Image Capture Board
type 2 (uncompressed RGB) or 10 (compressed RGB)
16 bits per pixel ( 32,768 possible colors )
256 200
TV16 = Targa type 2 (uncompressed RGB) or 10 (compressed RGB)
16 bits per pixel ( 32,768 possible colors )
512 400
TV24 = Targa type 2 (uncompressed RGB) or 10 (compressed RGB)
24 bits per pixel ( 16,777,216 possible colors )
512 400
Compressed: YES/NO
Digi-View 2.0/3.0 Conversion Module
Types supported:
DGVW = DigiView RGB files
21 bits per pixel ( 2,097,152 possible colors )
Compressed: YES
320 200
352 240
384 400
640 480
Frame Grabber Conversion Module
Types supported:
IMG8 = Full color
24 bits per pixel ( 16,777,216 possible colors )
Compressed: YES
320 200
384 240
640 400
Sculpt/Animate Conversion Module
Types supported:
RGB = Full color RAW
24 bits per pixel ( 16,777,216 possible colors )
Compressed: NO
320 200
352 220
640 240
704 400